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Ivana Barazi supports charitable foundations

Ivana Barazi supports various foundations and charitable trusts, such as the Klub přátel dětí dětských domovů (Club of Friends of Children from Children’s Homes) based in the town of Nové Strašecí.


This year, on the 11th of May, the eighth Charitable Auction of Paintings, Ceramics and Photography was held in Prague. The event was organized by the civic society Klub přátel dětí dětských domovů and took place in the picturesque location of the Žofín Garden.

Once again, Ivana Barazi gave her support to children from children’s homes by contributing one of her original pieces to the auction.

As in previous years, the proceeds of the auction will go to various educational programmes devised to advance children from children’s homes in every facet of their personal development.


Ivana’s further charitable support includes:


The Nadace Veronica (Veronica Foundation) dedicated to issues of environmental protection, nature preservation and land conservation in Moravia and Silesia.

The Nadační fond Niké (Niké Trust) dedicated to assistance for persons in emotional and material need.